
Bhaymax User Guide


Bhaymax is a chatbot app that is designed to manage tasks {i.e., to-do items, deadlines and events}.


  1. Make sure Java 17 is installed in your computer.
  2. Bhaymax is available as a Java Archive (.jar) file. You can download the latest version from this URL.
  3. Copy the .jar file (downloaded in step 2.) to the folder you want to use as the home folder for the application.
  4. Open a terminal and change your working directory to the folder selected in step 3.
  5. Execute the app by running java -jar bhaymax.java
  6. You should see a window similar to the one shown above.


Greeting the chatbot (Optional)

Greets the chatbot. (And the chatbot greets you back!)

Format: hello or hi

Adding To-Do Items: todo

Adds a to-do item to be tracked.

Format: todo {description}

Explanation of parameters:


Adding Deadlines: deadline

Adds a deadline item to be tracked.

Format: deadline {description} /by {due-by date}

Explanation of parameters:


Adding Events: event

Adds an event to be tracked.

Format: event {description} /from {start date} /to {end date}

Explanation of parameters:


Listing all tasks and events: list

Shows a list of all to-do items, deadlines and events created.

Format: list

Filtering deadlines and events by date: filter

Filters deadlines and events by date.

Format: search {filter_option} {date / date and time}

Explanation of parameters:


Searches for a task that has a description matching the provided search term.

Format: search {keyword or phrase}

Explanation of parameters:


Marking a task as completed: mark

Marks a task (i.e., a to-do item, deadline or event) as completed.

Format: mark {index of task}

Explanation of parameters:


Marking a task as incomplete: unmark

Marks a task (i.e., a to-do item, deadline or event) as incomplete.

Format: unmark {index of task}

Explanation of parameters:


Deleting a task: delete

Removes a task (i.e., a to-do item, deadline or event) from getting tracked.

Format: delete {index of task}

Explanation of parameters:


Clear the chat area: clear

Clears the chat (box) area.

Format: clear

Exiting the program: bye or exit

Exits the program.

Format: bye or exit

Editing the data file

The data file is automatically created when a task is added to the program. It is saved at [JAR file location]/data/tasks.txt. Tasks are stored in the following format: